Explore the interaction between your DNA and 41 different psychiatric medications using this report
Medications: 41
Total Genes Assessed: 10
Explore the interaction between your DNA and 26 different pain medications using this report.
Medications: 26
Total Genes Assessed: 7
Explore the interaction between your DNA and 75 traits different nutrition related outcomes using this report
Traits: 75
Total Genes Assessed: 84
Explore the interaction between your DNA and 6 different weight loss medications using this report
Medications: 6
Total Genes Assessed: 8
Take action to personalize your health with our interactive handbook. Unlock a comprehensive cheat sheet for vitamins, minerals, and macros to boost your wellness journey.
Explore the interaction between your DNA and 10 different statin medications using this report.
Medications: 10
Total Genes Assessed: 3
Included Test in this Package
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